Wednesday, 9 June 2010


My first Blog Post on my new blog. I am Mrs Dibble and am married to Mr Dibble, a Police Officer in the UK.
This blog is a place for me to vent about the trials and tribulations of being a coppers wife in the UK in 2010.
Don't get me wrong, I love being married to a Police Officer, but its pretty hard going, working shifts, weekends in particular, especially as we have little Dibbles, its no fun for them when Daddy is working the weekend, or worse still in bed for all of it due to him working nights.
I will post about the good stuff too, but mostly the crap, the cancelled days out because of rest days being cancelled, the holidays taken with no Mr Dibble because of leave embargoes and the Christmases spent with small kids and no Daddy.
So, welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy reading it.


  1. Hello Mes Dibble, very nice to meet you.

  2. Likewise - be interesting to see it all from another point of view :)
